Inflation Blues

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Inflation Blues
JM Jimmy Mac

1. In-fla-tion blues! I'm a work-in' bum. In-fla-tion blues! I a'int got no mon. No time to play, work ev'-ry day, I ne-ver have no fun. Just mope a-roun' wait-in' for the bills to come. In-fla-tion blues! Yeh! Got in-fla-tion blues. Well my dol-lar's worth dimes, got in-fla-tion blues.

2. In-fla-tion blues! Well my rent is due. In-fla-tion blues! What am I to do? The check-book's red, the kids need fed and I ain't got a cent. Need to touch some-bo-dy, all my mon-ey's spent. In-fla-tion blues! Yeh! Got in-fla-tion blues. Well my dol-lar's worth dimes, got in-fla-tion blues.

3. In-fla-tion blues! Keeps me strug-glin' on. In-fla-tion blues! Means my nest-egg's gone. It's ve-ry sad, to be a dad, when I don't have a dime. too poor to pay at-ten-tion, - an-y time. In-fla-tion blues! Yeh! Got in-fla-tion blues. Well my dol-lar's worth dimes, got in-fla-tion blues.


© 2001 Jimmy Mac Music